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Couch Cushion Architecture; A Critical Analysis

An architecture firm offers a review and critique of important living room fort construction efforts. Photos, commentary, and a grading system provide a wealth of insight. (Har.)

Couch Cushion Architecture; A Critical Analysis Part 1

Before we were influenced by Mies van der Rohe or Frank Lloyd Wright, before we had seen the visual delights of Ronchamp, Pompidou Center and the Bauhaus school in Weimar, we were driven by a greater force of design inspiration. More primal and immediate than any of the previously mentioned examples, it was couch cushion architecture that established the basic building blocks of our design logic. Unrepresented and ignored for too long in the architectural industry, today’s post pays respect to the wonders of couch cushion architecture.

Couch Cushion Architecture; A Critical Analysis Part 2

Part two of Couch Cushion Architecture expands on the known collection of significant couch cushion projects in the western hemisphere and continues the discourse. As with part 1 of the study, the basic DNA of design logic can be observed in these works. At the root of any great designer lies a strong connection to the fundamentals of couch cushion design and construction.

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