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Don't just think about playing. Instead, think to play...

Mattel will soon release an updated version of its Mindflex toy named Mindflex Duel. Get this. By wearing a headset, your thoughts become the game controller. Different mental states control an air jet’s force and horizontal placement. Concentrate more intently, and a foam ball levitated by that jet of air rises. Relax and it falls. Move the ball through an obstacle course in one of several modes to play the game. This newest version allows players to go at it, um, head-to-head.

Note the foam ball in the center of the game space. It’s levitating… on thought. Think about unicorns and it sparkles.

One interesting option: Mindflex Duel provides a cooperative mode in addition to a competitive mode. Given the many styles of play not involving competition, I appreciate that Mattel stepped outside the box of competitive play. It would also seem this toy likely appeals as much to adults as to children (if not more so).

(via Engadget)

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