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What happens when your toys have more followers on twitter than you do?

I talked a while back about context-aware toys as a new media form. The following news feels like a step down that path — though still likely a long ways from what I have in mind.

Disney aiming to establish technology standards for web-connected toys:

…it looks like Disney is doing its part to add a bit of order to the wild technology frontier that is web-connected toys — the company’s consumer products division will reportedly detail a proposal to establish a set of technology standards at the Engage Conference and Expo later this month. That plan will be laid out by the head of Disney’s “Toymorrow” team, Armen Mkrtchyan, who will apparently discuss what sort of standards Disney is currently looking at, and how such standards could lead to things like cost-savings and “increased playability.”

Also. “Toymorrow”? I think I like that.

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