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Elmo and Nokia Bring Teleconferencing to Kids’ Books for Family Story Play

Nokia Research has combined storytelling and teleconferencing to create Family Story Play (take a gander at the embedded video in the preceding link).

Many of the print storytelling technologies being developed today are about changing the medium of the story (e.g. E Ink) and augmenting the written word with audio and video content. Nokia is taking a different approach—enabling shared reading experiences between parents and children over long distances. It’s not exactly easy to spend a great deal of time with a child on a phone call. But sharing a book together is another story (no pun intended—okay maybe intended a little bit).

It’s an interesting idea. How can playful technologies enable and extend any variety of existing toy, play, and storytelling mediums. Rather than seeking to invent the new or replace the old, how about discovering and filling in the nooks and crannies around existing play user experiences?

(via Engadget)

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